Social Fixer 20.0 Release Notes


Social Fixer Version 20.0 includes a number of fixes and small improvements.


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Changes And Fixes In This Release

  • Fixed: The option to make Enter add a new line in comments is back! Along with the fix is a fall-back mechanism, so if it stops working in the future it will revert to normal behavior and not prevent comments from being entered at all.
  • “Friend Manager” [Under the Wrench Menu]:
    • A new “Options” tab contains all of the options related to this feature
    • Separate options for being alerted of unfriending vs name changes so you only see what you’re interested in
    • “Unfriend” alerts now inform you when the account may just be temporarily unavailable rather than actually unfriended
    • The list of friend changes in the blue bar dropdown menu is now scrollable so it doesn’t stretch all the way to the bottom of the screen
    • The “Friends” tab is now paged to speed up the display if you have a lot of friends
  • Fixed: Pressing the “X” in the Control Panel to hide it now works consistently
  • Fixed: For users of the Chrome, Firefox, and Opera extensions, preferences were previously not stored per Facebook user, causing several issues, including Friend lists to be shared and mass “unfriending” alerts. In this new version, preferences will be automatically migrated to per-user settings
  • Fixed: Post filtering in Safari

Technical Changes

  • Avoid using minified libraries to comply with Chrome extension policies
  • Fixed a bug in the “storage check” warning that sometimes resulted in a false positive and caused it to pop up frequently
  • Fixed: Greasemonkey on Firefox 55.0b1 failed to insert CSS, causing some features to not be visible
  • Change: Avoid => operator in javascript for Safari 9 compatibility

Questions? Problems? Need Support?

The Support Team and the Social Fixer user community can help you out in the Social Fixer Support Group, located here:

Do you like what you see? Please, Donate to support development!

Matt Kruse, developer of Social Fixer