Social Fixer 6.0 Release Notes

logo_simple_256Social Fixer 6.0 is the first release of the application under the new name and branding. It includes some fixes and changes.

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Changes from Better Facebook

  • All Options and messages can now be accessed under the “wrench” icon in the blue header bar at the top of the screen. If errors or messages are available, you will see a red badge with the count.
    • Notification previews have been disabled because a Facebook changed broke them and I haven’t had time to find a work-around.
      • The “Friend Activity” panel has been removed because Facebook removed the source of data. I will look for another way to get the information.</ul>


      • When using your mouse wheel to scroll inside of the “ticker” preview windows, the whole page would sometimes scroll when you reached the top or bottom. Social Fixer now prevents this annoying default behavior.
        • A new Options interface, including the ability to search for options across all tabs</ul>


        • Problems with Friend Tracker, Filter lists of users/pages, and the Pages/Events/Groups boxes in the left column have been fixed.
          • Updated some code to fix incompatibility issues with the latest version of Greasemonkey.
            • When hovering over ticker stories, the preview would close when moving your mouse over to it, preventing you from scrolling down to all the comments
              • More robust detection of unique post ID’s, so posts that are marked read stay marked red.
                • When using Facebook in secure (https) mode, some browsers would report insecure content because of images and files referenced from the site. These references now use https to maintain the secure connection.
                  • A number of other fixes and tweaks to make functionality more solid and consistent.</ul>