How To Hide Facebook’s Emoticon Images In Comments

jumpsharkFacebook recently decided that it would be cute to automatically convert some text in comments to emoticon images. If you don’t like them, here’s how to hide them using Social Fixer.

First, make sure that you have the Social Fixer browser add-on installed from

Once installed, click the wrench icon that appears in the blue header bar, choose “Social Fixer Options”, then click on the “Styles (CSS)” tab on the left.

In the big text box on the right, enter this text (or add it at the bottom of existing text if you already have some):

.emote_text { display:inline !important; }
.emote_img, .emote_custom { display:none !important; }

Click Save, then reload your browser. You should see that all the emoticon images have been replaced by their original text version! Easy! Smile


Hope this helps, and please ‘Share’ this if you think others might like to know this trick!

Matt Kruse, author of Social Fixer