Social Fixer 9.0 Resolves News Feed Problems And More

santa_logo_200Version 9.0 of Social Fixer resolves many of the problems caused by Facebook’s recent changes to their news feed and other features, as described in a recent blog post. It also adds a few useful new features. Be sure to install the latest version to take advantage of the fixes!

Install the 9.0 update by going to

What's Fixed

  • Recent Facebook code changes caused many key Social Fixer features to stop working for some users – mark posts as read, filtering, tabbing, etc. This version should resolve those problems for most users.
    • Filtering now works for text in the “tag line” like “X commented on this” 
      • Comment counts were not being correctly calculated when “view X more comments” links existed</ul>

        new_wrench_menuWhat's New

      • The wrench menu has been rearranged and divided into sections to make it clearer
      • New feature: Show “Hidden” Sections under the wrench menu shows parts of the screen that have been hidden by Social Fixer options.
      • A link to the blog has been added under the wrench menu. When a new blog post is detected, a link directly to it will be inserted, along with its title. A “1” indicator will be shown on the wrench menu when there is a new unseen blog post. An option in the “Advanced” tab has been added to disable this feature entirely (please don’t!)

        What's Changed

      • The functionality to auto-click older posts has been broken by Facebook and may not be fixable. I cannot figure out a way into their code. Yet.
      • Posts will be auto-loaded as you scroll down, as it is by default on Facebook. However, Social Fixer stops the auto-loading after 5 page loads, to prevent their code from going into an eternal loop and loading hundreds of pages worth of posts. This is a necessary trade-off, and to continue loading more you can just click ‘More Stories’.
      • For some reason, Facebook removes posts from the feed when it detects that you are not looking at them. For example, if you’ve loaded 100 posts but are at the top of your news feed, Facebook will silently remove 50 posts from the end of the feed. I don’t know why they do this, but it causes problems with Social Fixer because posts are not in the places they think they are (due to filtering and tabbing). So I have prevented this functionality to the best of my ability. But if you see posts randomly disappearing in front of your eyes, it means I have some more work to do.

        Questions? Problems? Need Support?

      The Support Team and the Social Fixer user community can help you out in the Social Fixer Support Group, located here:

      Best Wishes!

      Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I hope you have a Happy New Year!

      Donate_ **to support development._

      Matt Kruse, developer of Social Fixer