It looks like you're using a mobile browser.
Browser extensions are not well-supported on mobile browsers, so Social Fixer won't run there, sorry. But just in case we've identified your browser incorrectly, download options may appear below.
It looks like you're using Firefox.
Click to install the extension from the official Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons site.
Are You Upgrading? Firefox will update automatically every 24 hours or less. The "Download" page may not show you the latest version. To update Social Fixer manually, see:
How to update Firefox extensions manually.
You can also view all download options:
It looks like you're using Chrome.
Click to install the extension from the official Google Chrome Web Store.
Hmm, did something go wrong? If you're having problems, check out the Support Group, where we can help answer your questions.
Social Fixer has been installed! Now go to Facebook to get started!
You can also view all download options:
It looks like you're using Safari.
Click to install the Mac App (Safari Extension) from the official Mac Store.
You can also view all download options:
It looks like you're using Opera.
Click to install the extension from the official Opera addons site.
You can also view all download options:
It looks like you're using Microsoft Edge.
Click to install the extension from the official Edge Extensions repository.
You can also view all download options:
If you are running a browser with a userscript manager (Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, Firemonkey, or Userscripts), you can choose to install the User Script instead. It works identically to the browser-specific extensions.
← You can install a userscript manager from the buttons.
You can also view all download options: